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St Louis! Join if for this very special day! We’re making history! ❤️🙏🏽
There’s a lot of misconceptions and sometimes judgement about who I am and what I do. We can’t escape what people think about us but I do welcome people to learn about who I really am. This is the year of the Dragon and the year of Ubuntu! I will keep rising as long as God gives me breath each day. My mission is devote my life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world. I believe that with my whole heart while others may be negative or even try to distract me or even get in my way. But I work for God and a citizen of this universe which means I must love according to the leading of the Spirit of Truth and the Divine Mother Spirit leadings do even try and accomplish what ever time I have on their planet . I take nothing for granted. I hope you’ll join me tonight to see what we’re up to this year and if you would like to join us on this mission of love!❤️🙏🏽
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